The choices hidden in photography


Aaron Hertzmann; The choices hidden in photography. Journal of Vision 2022;22(11):10. doi:

Photography is not objective, but as a type of visual depiction and follows the rules of visual perception.

Many of these choices are hidden in optical, mechanical, chemical, and/or software design choices.

Tone and color choices in pictures

Consumer photographers do not normally make these choices. The choices were made by camera manufacturers, designed not just for accuracy, but to appeal to consumers’ aesthetic preferences.

For much of the twentieth century, consumer photographers shot on film, and so the choices made by film and camera manufacturers played a large, hidden role in consumers’ pictures.

Perspective choices in pictures

Perception of pictures

Perception of photography should not be treated as equivalent to real-world vision.
Compelling evidenc
e shows that psychophysical and neurological responses differ for photos of objects versus for real objects (Pepperell, 2015; Snow & Culham, 2021).